Monday, September 19, 2005

Water. It is essential for life.

Our body must have pure water to survive physically.
Our body must have practical water for the soul to survive psychologically.

You need safe, bottled water from a trusted source to recover after a crisis. provides 'bottled water for the soul' to those impacted by the negative psychological effects of Storm Stress.

Emotions like anger, fear, guilt, depression, grief, stress, anxiety, loss or panic can feel overwhelming after a natural disaster like a Hurricane, Flood, Tornado, Earthquake, Fire, Mud Slide, Blizzard or after man-made disasters like a school shooting or terrorist attack.

Our group specializes in showing you how to overcome Storm Stress by using strategic resources, focused research and connected relationships. This approach helps you recover faster after a crisis through the combination of education, equipping and empowering people, even during the most difficult of circumstances. These positive coping skills are an effective way to stabilize emotions while working to get life back to 'normal' after a disaster.

The articles and special reports are updated often, so bookmark this site to find answers fast when facing a crisis event. Many thanks for helping us spread the word about the psychological benefits of 'bottled water for the soul' to your friends, family and co-workers who are thirsting for real answers.

~ Dwight Bain, Author & Nationally Certified Counselor

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

What's the difference between traditional psychology and Biblical counseling?

I believe that psychology is the study of human nature and behavior, which is extremely useful to reveal Why people do the things they do.  However, psychology is unreliable on guiding people with What do to about their behavior because it is based on a humanistic view of right and wrong which changes with each and every situation. 


When people from different backgrounds are facing difficult situations- they tend to justify their decisions and excuse their choices to fit what is most comfortable for them.  God's Truth, as described in the Bible, is always the same and never changes.  Having faith in Christ provides the main foundation for a person to view and consider every other element of their lives.  As a Believer in Christ, my perspective on everything is changed, especially on how to provide wise counsel that is consistent to a Biblical world-view instead of from an ever changing secular world-view that tends to follow the advice or trends from different experts and authors who may be popular at the time.  

Let me describe it differently through a word picture of a coffee-maker. 


Psychology is like ground coffee sitting in a coffee filter.  It comes in different flavors, consistencies and from different parts of the world. The amount you put into the filter may be slightly different each time, which gives you a different 'brew' each time.  Sometimes its' too strong, other times it's too weak.  When you open up the coffee container and take a big whiff, it might smell really good or it may smell really bitter.  It may be expensive like StarBucks, or have special flavors like Barnies, but in the end, it's just coffee. 


Human behavior is like the water that flows into the mixing area. It may be bottled water from a spring, or it may be tap water that has been treated with chlorine to be safe for drinking.  Water is different if it's been flavored or has been mixed with chemicals or additives depending on where it came from in the world, (like the very good, but very expensive Evian water from the Swiss Alps!) But no matter where it may come from, it's just plain old H2O, just water.


Faith in Christ and His Word is the coffee filter.  That tiny paper filter is the most important part, because it sorts and strains out all the ground up yucky stuff from Psychology mixed with whatever contaminants are contained in the Water.  You usually don't ever even see or notice a coffee filter, but who would want to drink a cup of all the stuff that it filters out? 


Coffee filters are simple things that have an important purpose- Safety & Comfort.  

The safety is from not choking on the grounds. The comfort is what makes a cup of coffee enjoyable.  You need both.  Just like psychology needs Biblical Truth to provide a safe and comfortable place for people to build better lives.


-Dwight Bain, Author, Speaker & LMHC


Friday, September 09, 2005





Loss of Energy

Sleep loss/restlessness

Over eating

Dry Mouth

Listlessness “Just sitting”

Caffeine dependence


Rapid or shallow breathing


Drug Abuse


High Blood Pressure



“Nervous Energy”

Tightness in chest

Accelerated heart rate

Unkempt physical appearance

No time to relax

Decreased Sex Drive

Lower back pain

Cries easily or not at all

Increased health worries

Muscle tension (neck/shoulders/jaw)

Increased “Type A” personality issues






Withdrawal from family/friends

Holding problems inside

TV addiction:

          Soaps, Sports, Sitcoms





Financial worries

No sense of humor

Defensive/easily angered

Avoidance of emotions (esp. fear)

Living in the past/future

Not sharing burdens with others

“Clinging” dependent behavior

Hopeless feelings

Trouble making decisions

Poor concentration

Feelings of failure

Life seems out of control

Over commitment





Avoiding spiritual needs

No time to pray

Loss of faith


Increased fear

Inner turmoil

No peace

God seems a “million miles away”

Spiritual aloneness

Spiritual emptiness

No day of rest

Unresolved spiritual issues of:

          Anger, Grief, Loss












Sleep (7-9 hours)


Stable diet


Regular meals




Low impact exercise


Deep breathing


Tense/relax exercise




Schedule daily routine


Medication (as proscribed by your Physician)


Regular physical checkups


Quiet times of rest of naps





Positive relationships (family & friends)


Build Positive esteem


Personal planning time


Deal directly/and talk about:

  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Apathy


Victory list of achievements






Short term goals


Do good for others


Share your burdens


Support groups




New challenges




Learn to say “No”


Organize time/use a schedule planner


Leave work at work




Bible Study


Apply biblical principles to life






Regular worship


Inspirational music


Supportive church group


Church socials


Spiritual landmarks


Keep priorities balanced


Memorize scriptures


Observing a day of rest


“Things come to pass – not stay”


Inspirational books


Realize God loves you


“Re-create” Spiritual energy







How can you avoid conflict over special occasions (like holidays or birthdays), when co-parenting after divorce?

 I've seen thousands of families go through the many transitions associated with divorce and noticed two kinds of parenting styles.  Reasonable and responsible or the exact opposite, unreasonable and irresponsible.


Know which style you naturally lean toward, and which approach the other parent or stepparent is likely to use before deciding how to plan for family interactions like the holidays.  Here are some tips to help you focus on the memories of special days instead of the stress.


1) Unreasonable people don't understand reason-so save your breath. 

Better to let a detailed email give information than to get into one more argument with someone who isn't listening.


2) Irresponsible people will break the rules-count on it. 

Whatever it is that you have warned them not to do, say, spend or follow up on will not be done at all so give up on hoping that they will grow up.


3) Reasonable & Responsible people make the world a better place through healthy choices.

Count your blessings if you are co-parenting with someone who is respectful and disciplined and thank them for their commitment to making every day special in the lives of the children that you share together. 



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Location: Winter Park, Florida, United States

Dwight is a Nationally Certified Counselor and Life Coach specializing in life transitions to guide you from stress to success. Dwight is having an impact nationally on individuals, families and business groups. His purpose is to come alongside and help you achieve maximum results in your personal and professional life.